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Jaime Fowler

Case Studies

Elm Estate mockups.jpg

The Elm Estate

Lead UX/UI Designer
March 2022


Design a testimonial submission flow for The Elm Estate, a popular wedding venue. 

Target Audience:

Newly married couples who held their wedding at The Elm Estate and wish to share their experience with the venue and with other couples who are shopping for a wedding venue.


  • Must to be simple and straight forward

  • Seamlessly match current website

  • Easy to use across all devices

  • Allow for photo uploads

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User persona


To kickoff this project I evaluated the current website for the venue, spoke with the staff of wedding planners, and interviewed two recent brides who held their weddings at The Elm Estate. I also evaluated the websites of several local competitors as well as a popular venue located in a neighboring state. During this research I identified the following areas of opportunity:

  • Current website does have a contact page but nothing specifically designed to collect testimonials

  • Staff is currently asking for testimonials from their couples manually via email

  • Newly married couples do want to share their experiences 

  • Most competitors are not actively capturing testimonials nor displaying the feedback on their site for future couples to view


During the initial design phase I did a Crazy 8's exercise to visualize how a user would submit their testimonial within the current framework. From there I decided on a sequential sitemap and started developing paper wireframes before moving onto creating a low fidelity and high fidelity prototype in Adobe XD.

Crazy 8's exercise



Screen Shot 2022-05-03 at 11.19.19 AM.png

Paper wireframes

Low fidelity wireframes in Adobe XD

High fidelity prototype in Adobe XD

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User Testing:

I conducted an unmoderated study of five participants who were each given the task of submitting a testimonial through the prototype. Three users were asked to submit photos. Two users were asked to bypass the photo upload. All five users successfully completed their tasks.

Mac mockups.png


Adding this testimonial submission flow to the current website for The Elm Estate was a relatively small change that has made a big impact both for the staff, which no longer needs to follow up with their couples individually via email to solicit feedback, and for the couples who feel their feedback is valued by the venue and has provided them another opportunity to share their special day.

The next step will be for The Elm Estate to integrate the submitted testimonials onto their website.

This project really illustrated for me how a small project can greatly add value and improve the user experience both for the end user and the business itself.

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